Thursday, July 30, 2015

Portfolio project Introductory letter and opening

“If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.”- Ernest Hemingway

I like this quote because it really sums up a lot of what I have learned in this class. With each essay we have written I have learned that it is easy to write about what you know, but since you already know it and don’t research it you forget important information on the subject. You have to take something you know about and ask the hard questions, the questions that you may not agree with. But by looking at things another way you get more details. Details I have learned are one of the most important elements to help the reader really understand what you are saying in an essay.
Dear Professor,
I would like to thank you for being such a wonderful teacher and teaching an amazing class. I have learned a lot this semester about myself as a writer and believed I have really improved my writing style. I have taken each of the last five assignments and I believe have taken myself to the next level after writing each one. You have helped me to learn about writing my dental draft which has helped with each assignment as well as improving my writing techniques at work.
The first project was the memoir project, I had to take a moment in my life that affected me in my writing. I had to write about what I understood about that memory and how it affects my writing today.  Of course being my first assignment in writing as a college student it was hard to get started. But I took the article we were assigned to read “shitty first draft” and realized that all I needed to do was write down my ideas and then go from there with each draft. This made the paper a lot easier to write.
For the Profile project I had to pick someone that strikes me as interesting. I decided to go with someone that I worked closely with each day, my pharmacy manager. While doing this project it made me really understand Robert and the road he took to be where he is at now. The project made me think outside of the normal conversations and ask questions about where he came from. It helped me to understand that writing in detail is important for the reader to really understand and see what you are talking about. The more details you put for the reader the more interesting it is for them.
For the Argument project I learned that research really helps you when talking about a subject. Writing this paper was a little difficult to start off with since I had to ask the harder questions that went against my beliefs. But by doing this I was able to really explain and back up what I believed in the paper. This paper was one of the hardest for me to get started writing. I found it hard to persuade someone to my beliefs in an essay instead of in person. I learned that having facts and examples of what you are talking about and be very detailed in the essay really helped.
In conclusion I have really learned a lot in your class and each paper has helped me to take myself to the next step in writing. I believe that I have become more confident in my writing. When I first started this class I thought I was terrible at writing, but I am now ready to move on to the next class and actually look forward to it. I have learned in the last essays that I need to really pay attention to format, citation and grammatical errors. I would like to thank you again for helping me grow this semester.
Jennifer Warnock

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