Thursday, July 30, 2015

Portfolio Project: Project one:Profile

This was one of my favorite papers for this semester. I had to pick a subject that interesting to me and write about them and act like it was for an article in the newspaper. For my subject I choose my pharmacy manager not only because of the job he has but also because of his journey to get where he is today. For this project I was still getting used to not having my first draft being correct. I sat down and wrote questions that I wanted to ask Robert. After doing the interview I sat down and just started writing what I wanted to be in the paper about Robert. After I was done I read my first draft and made changes to where things to didn’t make sense or needed more detail. Once I was done with the second draft I had someone read it out loud to me and I made the changes to where it didn’t really make sense what I was saying. Once I did that I submitted that as my final draft. During this assignment I learned that you need to add as much detail as possible about the subject you are writing about so the reader really understands what the paper is about. I also learned to pay closer attention to the requirements on the paper.



Getting to the American Dream


It’s 7am as he walks in and unlocks the door to the pharmacy to start his day. He heads to the computer to sign on and see what needs to be done before the pharmacy opens. As he looks at the papers on the counter he sees a couple doctors that need to be called and some insurances that need to be fixed. As he walks over to the printer there is a stack of 70 prescriptions that need to be filled and 2 compounds that need to be made before the store opens in an hour. He tells the pharmacy technician that they need to get started to stay ahead for the day.

Robert was born and raised in Zimbabwe with his three other brothers. When Robert graduated high school he wanted to go into a field where he would be able to help people. He attended the University of Zimbabwe and decided being a doctor was the best field for him. After 2 weeks he changed his career path to pharmacy and graduated in 1993.

Robert graduated the same year that HIV was first starting to show up. He got a job at Cariba hospital in Zimbabwe where the hospital was packed and doctors where sleeping on the floor since they were caring for many people who believed they had HIV. Robert said “It was the most rewarding time of his life being able to open the clinic and help the patients”. (Robert 2015)

Robert worked at the hospital from 1993-1996, He then had the experience he needed to open his own pharmacy in Zimbabwe and ran it from 1996-2001. While running his own pharmacy, the politics in Zimbabwe was making it a dangerous place to live with his family. He decided the best thing for him and his family was to move to Botswana. They moved in 2001 and Robert began working at Kanye hospital in Botswana.  While working at the hospital in Botswana the first drugs for HIV virus were first released and Robert said “it was rewarding to help all the patients get the medications to help them”. (Robert 2015)

While in Botswana, Robert and his wife decided they wanted to come to the US so he could practice pharmacy at a higher level and to provide their three sons with more opportunities.  Robert came to the US to take his exams and returned to Botswana to continue working until they could make the move.

In 2008 Robert and his family made the move to Yuma, AZ and he started his job with Walgreens pharmacy. He has continued to work at Walgreen’s the last 7 years and 2 years ago became a pharmacy manager.  Robert is now a 41 year old African American man that looks no older than 35. He is always in a good mood and laughing making it very fun to work around even in a demanding job.

Even with the demanding schedule that the pharmacists have at Walgreens, Robert continues to improve his knowledge of the pharmacy field. He has now become a licensed pharmacist in California as well as Arizona. He is certified in giving vaccines and health testing in the pharmacy.  Robert has become very knowledgeable when doing MTM (medication therapy management) and works with patients, their doctor and their insurance on ensuring they are getting the best medical therapy. He has also gotten his license in ambulatory care, which means that in certain states that he can prescribe medications while working with the doctor.  

Robert encourages and teaches his technicians to learn more about the pharmacy and medications. He pushes them to move up in their field of work and go towards becoming a senior technician and possibly pharmacists. He serves as a great role model to the entire Walgreen’s staff as well as his children. Robert has also helped his nephew, who just recently lost his dad, to pursue a medical career here in the United States. He has paid for him to take the SAT and has offered his home to him while he is here going to school. 

Roberts’s three sons have seen how rewarding this field is for their father and are all following his path into the healthcare field. His oldest is currently entering his second year of pharmacy school and doing great at it. His middle son currently works as a pharmacy technician and plans on going into the medical field once he graduates from high school. His youngest son is in middle school but is already planning on going into the medical field as well.  


Work cited

Zvavamwe, Robert  interview(2015)


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