Thursday, July 30, 2015

Portfolio project: project 3: The argument

This assignment I got to write about something that is near and dear to my heart, harsher punishment on animal cruelty. I am an animal lover and have 6 dogs of my own that I treat as if they were my kids, so writing this project had is difficulties. I first researched cases that were happening here in town and what the AZ laws are on animal cruelty, I then researched the places that had the toughest punishment in the United States. I then had to do the hardest part and counterargument what I thought is the way it should be. But while doing this assignment and looking at the counterarguments it helped to understand that by doing counterarguments it helps you really back up you claim. After I got all the facts I sat down and fast wrote my first “shitty draft”. Once I was done I walked away from it for 2 days and then came back to read what I had wrote. I then really focused in on getting all the facts together in the correct paragraphs so it was easy for the reader to follow and understand. I then had a family member read the paper and help me to fix the areas that needed work. This assignment really helped me to understand why researching both sides of the subject is so important. Once you do that you can really help the reader understand your opinion on the matter.




Jennifer Warnock

English 101

Professor Hollie Villanueva


Doggone unfair laws

 Some people are big animal lovers and treat their animals like their own family. But some people don’t see things the same way. In Yuma there have been many cases just in the past year of times animals have been treated unfairly. The animals have been starved, shot, left in cars in the heat and not been treated when sick or hurt. If these things were done to a child or even an adult the laws would be harsh for the accused. When it comes to animal it is considered at the most either a class 1 misdemeanor or class 6 felony depending on what the crime to the animal is.( Arizona State Legislative,2015)“The presumptive sentence for the first time offender is 1 year, with a 6 month minimum, though the severity of the crime can increase imprisonment for the first time class 6 felony offender to 1.5 years and up to 2 years for an aggravated class 6 felony. Mitigating circumstances can reduce the sentence to 4 months. The presumptive sentence for the first time offender is 1 year, with a 6 month minimum, though the severity of the crime can increase imprisonment for the first time class 6 felony offenders to 1.5 years and up to 2 years for an aggravated class 6 felony. Mitigating circumstances can reduce the sentence to 4 months.”(enlighten me, 2015). These laws are so much lighter compared to someone that has abused a human.

A case that recently happened here in Yuma a dog was shot in the face and left in the desert. The person who is accused of doing this is the roommate of the owner of the dog. He had become angry because the dog had made a mess so he drove the dog out to the desert and shot her in the face and attempted to bury her. The dog later died but it is unclear if it was from the gunshot.  He is being charged with three felonies, which are one count of disorderly conduct, one count of cruelty to animals and one count of criminal damage. It has just been released that they are working on a plea deal with him. (Yuma Sun,2015). This man may walk away with just probation after shooting an animal for no reason and leaving if for dead.

In another case this year in Yuma nine dogs were removed from a house in town. The dogs were not being fed properly, not being treated for injuries; there are reports of noises from the backyard of dogs fighting and a large amount of feces. All of the dogs are expected to make a full recovery and be put up for adoption. The owner is 19 charges but they are only misdemeanors and eight of those counts were for animal abuse. (ABC, 2015)This lady is only be charged with eight counts of animal abuse when there were 9 dogs in the house.

There are a few other animal abuse cases in Yuma this year that are still not solved.  Two of the cases involved a 3month old German Shepard mix and a female pit bull mix, both of them had been malnourished and had to humanly euthanized.  The puppy was found by a trash can in a milk crate left to die. This are only two cases that the people who are responsible for horrible crimes against animals that have not been found.

The state of Illinois is known to have the harshest laws for animal cruelty. If convicted on cruel treatment the person will be charged with class A misdemeanor for first time then class 4 felony. Cruel treatment  is described as, Sec. 3.01. Cruel treatment. No person or owner may beat, cruelly treat, torment, starve, overwork or otherwise abuse any animal. If convicted of aggravated cruelty they will be charged class 4 felony and then any future violations will be class 3 felony. Sec. 3.02. Aggravated cruelty. No person may intentionally commit an act that causes a companion animal to suffer serious injury or death. Aggravated cruelty does not include euthanasia of a companion animal through recognized methods approved by the Department of Agriculture. If charged with Animal torture they will face class 3 felony. Animal torture is described as Sec. 3.03. Animal torture. (a) A person commits animal torture when that person without legal justification knowingly or intentionally tortures an animal. For purposes of this Section, and subject to subsection (b), "torture" means infliction of or subjection to extreme physical pain, motivated by intent to increase or prolong the pain, suffering, or agony of the animal. No owner may abandon any animal where it may become a public charge or may suffer injury, hunger or exposure.(Illinois, 2015), Much tougher laws than Arizona which shows the offender it is not okay to abuse animals and that they will not just get a slap on the hand.

While there are many people that think that animals are not the same as humans since a human life is more significant than an animals. These animals don’t have a voice to tell what happened or cry for help when it is needed. But once these animals retaliate back towards a human that has hurt them they are to be put down since they are a risk to the community.  How is it okay for us to abuse them but not for them to be able to defend themselves?

 I think that they should be treated with the same dignity as a human. It is not okay to kill animals in a cruel way the same as it is not okay to kill humans. I believe that abuse is abuse it doesn’t matter if to an animal or to a human. If someone can watch an animal starve to death, not help them when they are injured or even kill the animal, they are capable of doing the same to a human. I think that animal abuse needs to be harsher punishment not just a misdemeanor or class 6 felony. The people that commit these crimes need to be punished to where they will not repeat the same acts. It will also show everyone that it is not okay to do.  I believe many states including Arizona need to look at making harsher laws for those that commit animal abuse to any animal.


Work cited

Arizona State Legislative, online July 2015

Enlighten me, online July 2015

Yuma Sun Plea offer being discussed in animal cruelty case, Online July 2015

ABC news Yuma woman accused of animal cruelty; 9 animals removed from the home, online April, 2015

Illinois Humane Animal Law, online July 2015



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